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A Lone Star’s Resilience

In shadows cast by sorrow’s veil,
There stood a boy, his heart grew frail.
With tear-stained cheeks and trembling sighs,
He faced a world where hope defies.

In tender years, he knew not why,
His parents’ love, untimely sky.
Left orphaned, he was forced to roam,
Through streets that whispered tales of home.

Alone he stood, no hand to hold,
In silent nights, so bitter cold.
The world around, a heartless sea,
Unaware of his agony.

Society’s gaze, a piercing stare,
Judgments weaved with callous care.
They deemed him weak, a soul undone,
A solitary battle he had won.

Yet hidden beneath the cloak of night,
A flicker burned, a spirit’s might.
Within his core, resilience grew,
Defying odds, he’d prove them true.

Through trials fierce, he learned to rise,
Embracing strength within his eyes.
Each step he took, with grace and pride,
His parents love his shield and guide.

He forged a path, a world anew,
A beacon shining, steadfast and true.
With each success, he’d lend a hand,
To others lost in life’s cruel sand.

Though scars remained, etched deep within,
He wore them boldly, battle skin.
For in his pain, wisdom born,
A testament to hearts reborn.

And as the boy grew into a man,
His story echoed through the land.
A testament to strength and grace,
A beacon in life’s darkest space.

So let us learn from this boy’s plight,
To cast aside society’s spite.
For in our struggles, we find our might,
And shine as stars in the darkest night.

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