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Accepting help isn’t weakness

You have been drowning in sorrow,
You have been drowning in regret,
You have been drowning in depression.

You are strong outside but deep inside
you are broken in pieces.
You refuse to take help fearing that
you will become weak and insignificant

You refuse to accept help cause
you feel accepting help communicates
that you are not strong enough .
You visualise help as an action
that exhibits you as weak.
Is recieving only for the
weak and frail individuals?
Does accepting help really
make an insignificant person ?
In what ways does it make you one?

Refusing to accept help when needed doesn’t
make you a hero but rather
it makes you a zero.
Refusing to recieve help isn’t an act of strength
but rather it’s an act of cowardice.

It’s okay to accept help even if
you don’t have anything to return.
You don’t have to feel bad of
accepting it without any gift of return
but in return you can help and
be helpful who are in need.

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