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bloody cancer

Another life came to being,
So innocent, so polite.
One more soul entered the world,
So weak, so fragile,
Still the merry wave did flow,
So did the grins, the tears, the smiles.
But it was just built on sand,
For the reports, doctors did find.
Soon the smiles faded away,
For his cells that uncontrollably did divide.

Oceans of pain grew deeper somewhere inside,
Mosquitoes of fear did flourish,
Which stinged and pierced and did strike.
For it was a life about to end,
Before it saw the light.
Maybe he didn’t deserve to be in this cruel world outside,
Or maybe he was so fortunate,
To meet so soon, the divine.
In the hospital , so tensed,
His parents sat nostalgic to his right.
The clock ticked and tocked along,
The countdown did began,
Twelve, eleven, ten and nine
and thus the reports came
it was definitely a miracle that happended that night
it was a bloody cancer, the young soul survived.

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