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“Celestial Reverie”

A Dance with the Stars

Beneath the darkened sky’s expanse,
A ballet begins, a cosmic dance,
Celestial bodies twirl and spin,
Their graceful forms, a heavenly hymn.

The moon, a radiant guiding light,
Illuminates the velvet night,
Her silver glow upon us spills,
As stardust weaves and gently fills.

With every step, the planets glide,
In orbits vast, they do confide,
Their elegant waltz, a sight to behold,
A tale of mysteries untold.

Mars, the warrior, fiery and bold,
Jupiter, a giant, majestic and old,
Venus, the goddess of love and desire,
Saturn, adorned with rings of fire.

Neptune, with secrets of the deep,
Uranus, in solitude, does keep,
Mercury, swift in his swift endeavor,
Pluto, a dwarf, now lost forever.

In this celestial ballroom grand,
Time and space, hand in hand,
We gaze upon this cosmic show,
In awe of the universe’s glow.

Oh, how we long to join the dance,
To feel the universe’s romance,
To twirl among the stars above,
And lose ourselves in endless love.

But as we watch, humbled by the scene,
We realize that, though we may dream,
We are but spectators in this affair,
The dancers’ moves, beyond our lair.

So let us cherish this fleeting sight,
The beauty that unfolds each night,
For in this grand celestial sphere,
We find a love that knows no fear.

A dance with the stars, a gift so rare,
A glimpse of magic in the air,
And as we marvel at this sight,
We find our souls take flight, in the night.

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