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Moon’s misery

In the lonely sky, the moon does sigh,
A tale of sorrow it cannot deny.
Though it shines so bright, its heart feels blue,
Aching with a melancholy hue.

A silent witness to the world below,
The moon’s longing only continues to grow.
It watches lovers’ vows and secret trysts,
Yet its own desires remain un-kissed.

Bound to the heavens, forever afar,
The moon yearns for a touch, a loving star.
Its glowing tears, hidden in plain sight,
Reflecting the darkness within its plight.

Each night it wanes, a fading smile,
Yearning for respite, even just for a while.
Enveloped in darkness, it silently weeps,
As the world below lays soundly in sleep.

Oh, moon, your misery so profound,
Yet your beauty and grace still astound.
In your desolate orbit, you endure,
Casting your radiance, so pure.

May your sorrow find solace in the night,
As you illuminate the world with your light.
Though unseen, your pain we shall not dismiss,
For even the moon can’t escape its own abyss.

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