
Beauty is a word which can be 
Defined by lots of way, by lots of example
Some people compare it with face
Some compare it by way of manner
Some relates it with soul of persons and 
Some compare it with in others way
They all would be right in their place
I don't say about anyone, 
Is right (or) everyone are wrong 
Since its a matter of fact of understanding power of persons
Which falls into person to person
In my opinion, Beauty is an art 
Which is created by every human being by theirself
Some persons are gentle, its a beauty
Some persons are loyal, its a beauty
So basically beauty is not extent upto face (or) colour
Since this word has broad meaning 
Beauty can be find in someone's character,
Someone's honesty & someone's manner of living life too
Its a inner merit of every person
Which can be find in every person
Beauty is a word which can be 
Defined by lots of way, by lots of example

Dev Kumar

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