The Memoir

When the southern lights struggled through the murky cloud,
My Eyes unfolded a golden ray of hope,dragging me away from the slumberland;
with a halo of viridity hovering above,i heard a voice from the past breaking the silence,
An ethereal appeal to come along,to sing along an epode of love,laughter,tenderness and togetherness,for all these times;

From the huffy times to the ecstatic moments of life,
From the far-flung times to the vicinity fo your love,
From the turmoil within to a quietude around,
An ethereal appeal to come along,to sing along an epode of love,laughter,tenderness and togetherness,for all these times;

From desolation to celebrating life,
From dreary shores to fulgent aroma of life,
You gave it all,you gave a Promised Land!
Moments to cherish,moments to seize,moments to capture,moments to reveal,
You gave it all,you gave what is Life!
You gave a world full of joy,my Boy
You gave it all,you gave what i dreamt of Life!
With an ethereal appeal to come along,to sing along an epode of love,laughter,tenderness and togetherness,for all these times;

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