The Weight Of Mind

June 20, 2023 in English Poetry

The darkness creeps in, a suffocating veil
A weight on my chest, a never-ending tale
Of sadness, of hopelessness, of despair
A constant companion, always there

My mind is a battleground, a warzone
Fighting against demons, all alone
An endless struggle, a fight for survival
A battle that seems to have no revival

The world seems bleak, devoid of joy
Every day, a struggle to employ
A smile, a laugh, a sense of peace
A life that seems to have no release

But hope is not lost, for there is light
A path to healing, a future bright
With help, with support, with love
A life that’s worth living, a gift from above

Mental health, a journey that’s hard
But with each step, a new door is barred
A life that’s worth living, a life that’s true
A life that’s waiting, a life for you.