Reality of world

June 16, 2023 in English Poetry

In a world of kaleidoscopic dreams,
Where reality’s tapestry teems,
I weave a poetic tapestry, bold,
Unveiling truths that must be told.

Behold the stage, this grand charade,
Where masks conceal the masquerade,
Illusions dance upon a veil,
As truth and falsehood intertrail.

In realms of shadows, truths abide,
Yet oftentimes, they seek to hide,
The world spins tales, both light and dark,
A symphony of whispers, hushed remark.

Eyes closed, we drift in slumber’s hold,
Blind to the stories yet untold,
But open wide those seeking souls,
Shall glimpse the truth that silently unfolds.

A veil of beauty, both cruel and kind,
Reality’s web we all must bind,
For within each soul, a universe resides,
Where hopes and fears entwine like tides.

Mighty empires rise and fall,
Yet the heartbeat echoes through it all,
For humanity, a resilient spark,
Navigating through the realms of dark.

In shattered fragments, unity thrives,
From disparate threads, connection derives,
For when we recognize our shared plight,
We forge a future, bathed in light.

This world, a canvas vast and wide,
Painted with strokes of joy and pride,
But also etched with sorrow’s hue,
A testament to what we all go through.

So let us walk this earth, awake and aware,
With empathy, compassion, and love to share,
For reality’s song, though bittersweet,
Is a symphony that makes life complete.