Afloat And Awake

June 19, 2023 in English Poetry

In the depths, I’ll keep myself afloat,
Though saving myself from drowning may be remote.
Sailing back to safety seems out of sight,
Yet paddling on may yield skills to ignite.

The priority lies in ensuring help is secure,
Rescuing others from the waves, we endure.
I’ll embrace patience, for I know its power,
A reminder that waiting can be my finest hour.

The shore awaits, its embrace drawing near,
The current, a benevolent force to steer.
I’ll persist in floating, with unwavering might,
Until the blue abyss teaches me to ride the light.

Across to the other side, my journey unfolds,
Sooner or later, I’ll reach the promised threshold.
With each moment, my resilience will grow,
As I encounter the turf, a renewed spirit will show.

I seek a home

June 19, 2023 in English Poetry

It’s been a long time for me to be longing for home,
The world needs progress,
Constant progress,
Constant betterment,
Steady is labeled as wood and dead,
And resting is nothing but cowardly.
You gotta run
You gotta excellence
You can’t be respected if you are tired
Trying is not enough, at all.
Win at what you do or there is no ‘OR’

I want a home to stay lil far from this,
A home that can hug me and won’t let me feel worse about myself,
A home that won’t put its love as a reward after a successful result.
I want a home that’ll remind me I am enough.

I seek a home

June 19, 2023 in English Poetry

It’s been a long time for me to be longing for home,
The world needs progress,
Constant progress,
Constant betterment,
Steady is labeled as wood and dead,
And resting is nothing but cowardly.
You gotta run
You gotta excellence
You can’t be respected if you are tired
Trying is not enough, at all.
Win at what you do or there is no ‘OR’

I want a home to stay lil far from this,
A home that can hug me and won’t let me feel worse about myself,
A home that won’t put its love as a reward after a successful result.
I want a home that’ll remind me I am enough.

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