May 3, 2016 in English Poetry

For me everyday life sets up a big party,
Full of laughters everywhere,full throated and hearty,
Of jubilant cheers and refreshing smiles
And spent in a grand Queen’s style.

I am happy because I am reborn each day,
Keeping all miseries of life at bay,
Keeping people around joyful and happy,
Never ever being unhappy or snappy.

Life gives me to sing and dance,
With each new day there comes up a new chance,
To fill someone’s life with selfless love
And of an everlasting relationship thereof.

A party where I get to interact with new people
Where like a free stream I gorgeously gurgle
In gleeful shouts and create happy ripples,
Create everlasting,happy stories that are simple.

Everyday is a social gathering,
With people bantering and chattering,
Do not believe in smothering
The voices, but with love resort to pampering.

Pampering the hearts and lives I touch,
With care and delicate moves as much,
Even if there is as much as a single grudge,
I will never prejudge and their lives retouch.

Life everyday is a big celebration,
A colourful and vibrant function,
Let’s enjoy the soiree and festivities,
The happy activities of heavenly creativity.

Let us all celebrate life in jubilation,
Full of enthusiasm and exuberance,
Enjoy as if there is no tomorrow
Because an extra day from it you cannot borrow.

So just enjoy and take each day as a party,
Where everything is beautiful and arty,
Cordiality and happiness galore,
Simple joys and tears pure.

It is just this day ,today,
That is going to be your day,
So have your say and live it the way you want,
Do not let anything hamper or daunt,
Your purpose of helping,loving,smiling, loving,
Giggling,chattering, dancing ,singing,
Do whatever your heart directs you to do,
Live and love your life, before you bid adieu.



May 2, 2016 in English Poetry

In that hideous mad garb,
Oh why did you stab
Me and ripped me apart,
My blood gushing in a spurt.

Cannot you see my wound bleeds,
On my forehead the perspiration beads,
Painful,piercing tears my eyes shed
Quietly, as my heart too,slowly bled.

How long can I subject myself,
To such dastardly acts of yourself,
Wherein you cannot think of anything
But just let the dastards in your mind win.

Why do you torture me to such extents,
Reduce my whole self to mere oddments,
Out of sheer disgust,I shiver and shudder,
As my heart strangely flutters and bewilders.

What overcomes you, I fail to understand!
What gets that madness fanned?
Making your entire sensibilities disband,
Locking all your emotions,your feelings jammed.

My entire self riddled with open wounds,
Wonders how to stop this brutal trend,
When you are out of all bounds
And do not respond to calls or sounds.

You enter a world of your own,
Where you dangerously bemoan,
Your inferiorities,your failures,
Displaying a ghastly behaviour.

You harm yourself,and kill a part of me,
You break my trust and try to flee,
From the truth of your situation and reality,
Wonder why you stoop down to such immaturity!

No more can I take this asperity,
Your detachment from senses and insularity,
I bleed and cry in pain;
But you remain unmoved,in your own domain.

When already I did cede,
From everything in our relationship I secede,
Then why am I left to bleed and benumb,
Beware lest I succumb
To all your mad atrocities,
And collapse and breakdown in front of your montrosities.
You may be then left alone to fight your inner demons,
With deeper wounds,pains and a life without any reason.


अजब ग़जब सी दुनिया

May 1, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

ये दुनिया भी गज़ब का मेला,
इतनी भीङ पर हर कोई अकेला,
कभी हँसना,तो कभी है रोना,
कुछ खोना,तो कुछ है पाना।।

खिलखिलाते कुछ चेहरे हैं,
कुछ ग़म छुपाते सेहरे हैं,
सर पर छत नीले अम्बर का,
जीवन ये सागर खुशियों का।।

साँसों की सरगम चहुँओर,
झरनों की कलकल का शोर,
हर ओर मानो हो मौसीक़ी,
जमीं-आसमान की आशीकी।।

मस्तानी हवा कहीं पत्ते फङफङाती,
कही खङी फसल को खुशी से लहलहाती,
कभी चिरैया से करती अठखेलियां,
कभी छेङती गेहूँ की बालियाँ ।।

रात में चंदा की मनमानी,
चांदनी को करती रूमानी,
चटक चांदनी का अल्हड़पन,
रोम रोम में भर देता दीवानापन।।

रंगबिरंगी तितलियाँ हैं उङती,
हर फूल फूल पे बैठती,
मानों उनसे रंग चुराना,
उन रंगों से फिर दुनिया को रंगना।।

कहीं रेगिस्तान की तपती रेत,
कही नदियों के ठंडे तट,
कही उफनता सागर का रोष,
कभी बिजली दिखाती आक्रोश ।।

नदी,सागर से मिलने को रहती बेताब,
निर्मल प्यार ले बहता उसका आब,
सागर पर आता धरा से मिलने,
उसे बस छू भर कर वो लगता भागने।।

प्रकृति का करतब निराला,
कहीं अंधेरा,तो कहीं उजाला,
ऊपर है बादलों का रेला,
नीचे धूप छांव का खेला।

अजब गजब सी दुनिया हमारी,
प्रकृति ने प्यार से संवारी,
देते रहतें अनेकों भेंट इसके हाथ,
ढेरों प्रेम और प्यार निस्वार्थ ।।

बचपन बीता, आई जवानी,
फिर भी उसकी वही रवानी,
बचपन में जिस आँचल में खिलाती है,
अंत में,उसी आँचल में,चिरनिद्रा में सुला लेती है ।।



April 30, 2016 in English Poetry

The anxiety and depression,
Are all repurcussions,
Of a part not so well played,
Of decisions delayed,
Of trusts misplaced,
Of not being able to well communicate.

Failing to communicate with yourself,
Or addressing your innerself,
Not taking into confidence your near ones,
Hiding facts from your dear ones,
Not living up to your commitments,
Making yourself inaccessible and distant.

You shut yourself up in your shell,
Refusing anyways to tell,
Anything of what you thought and planned,
Keeping your thoughts crammed
Inside you, without an outlet,
Making you imagine all things farfetched.

You kept on giving your consents,
Even to plans and projects suspect,
Even when in doubts you went ahead
And all your wrong decisions you upheld,
Went against the ones, you so trusted,
See now,in the process you yourself are rejected.

Rejected and dejected,
Unable to comprehend,
Your wrongs and mistakes,
You stagger and traipse,
The rejections leave you with a heartache,
Which you cannot easily efface.

You cannot possibly please everyone ,
When out there,you cannot say ‘Yes’ to each one,
Trying to say ‘No’ is a bit difficult,
But saves you from unwanted predicaments,
You have to stop being egotistical,
Put a full stop to being inexplicable.

Rejections and dejection,
Lead you to immense depression,
Cut off from all forms of expression,
You suffer from suffocation,
Leading to more pitiful situations,
Waiting for all ills in desperation.

Giving rise to immense frustration,
A palpitating impatience,
Holed up inside,without any conversation,
With no motivation or inspiration,
You take your first step in all complication
Towards your own devastation.

Pained are your dear ones to see you thus,
At times to see you down the ruts,
When you attempt the nervous cuts,
They cry as it deeply hurts,
To see their own suffer so much,
Helplessly they watch as they cannot do too much.

So open up, and help yourself,
Adopt ‘ourself’, not ‘myself’,
Trust only those who trust you,
Who are worth of your trust and you,
Do not give in to pressure tactics,
Make, listening to people a holy practice.

Communicate more with one and all,
Make yourself easy and accessible,
Learn to say No, it lessens worries,
In the process,happiness it carries;
Dump all the lies behind,
Don’t trust everyone like a blind.

Build up people’s trust in you,
Make yourself their confidante too,
Come out of your selfish shell,
Start smiling some more as well,
Shorten the distances between hearts,
Draw out new relation charts.

First of all break the solid wall around,
Make the inner voices calm down,
Do not feel left out and let down,
Get up and going in the rebound,
Fighting all things adverse,
Making all fears disperse.

Fight away all the blues,
Nursing carefully your hearts bruise,
Fight the dark shadows away,
Keeping them always at a bay,
Depression is a disease that can be fought,
No power it has to make one distraught.

Scare away all depression
Sadness and dejection,
Happiness is one of the weapons,
Courage being another protection,
Come out of it with all attention and affection
Freshen up and stop your digression.

Forget the past and start anew,
To all your frights bid adieu,
Like others,this phase shall pass through,
Do not let anything devalue,
Your courage, inner strength and fortitude,
Begin with a sense of gratitude and immense aptitude,
Your success is now overdue,
Compose yourself and walk towards the new avenues.
No thoughts can depress you,
No actions can suppress you,
Nothing can stop you to access,
What you want to possess ;
Never ever feel distressed,
Neither oppressed,
Act with absoluteness,
Start repossessing everything with smart astuteness.


कुछ बीते हुये दिन,कुछ अधूरे से वादें

April 29, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

कुछ बीते हुये वो दिन,
कुछ भूली बिसरी यादें,
कुछ पुराने से पलछिन,
कुछ अधूरे से वादें ।।

याद बहुत अाते हैं वो बीते हुए पल,
वो मीठा सा रिश्ता,वो प्यार निश्छल,
वो हमारा तुमको देख इतराना
और तुम्हारा शरारत भरी नज़रों से मुस्कुराना।।

किसी ना किसी बहाने हमारा छत पर जाना,
पीछे पीछे हमारे, तुम्हारा भी वहीं आना,
वो गुलाबी सा हर आलम,
साथ आता हर दूसरा जब लगता था ज़ालिम।।

वो तुम्हारे नाम की ओढ़नी हरी,
तुम्हारे प्यार की सौगात,लाल चूङी,
सब कुछ आज भी रखा है सम्भाले,
दिल है आज भी तुम्हारे हवाले ।।

माथे पर सजती बिंदु लाल,
हमारी लहराती सी चाल,
कदमों में हमारी बला की नज़ाकत,
तुम्हारे अदाओं की नाज़ुक नफ़ासत।।

सिले हुए से दो लब हमारे,
गीले से वो लफ़्ज़ तुम्हारे,
रोम रोम भीगो जाते थे,
एक दूजे में हम समा जाते थे।।

ना अपना होश,ना औरों की खबर,
दो दिल एक दूजे में खो जाने को बेसब्र,
कानों में फुसफुसाते,कुछ वादे,
बांटने सब दुःख दर्द आधे आधे।।

फिर इक दिन ऐसी हवा चली,
सारे सपने और अरमान ले उङी,
जाने नज़र लगी किसकी,
साथ रह गए तमाम आँसूं और सिसकी।।

आओ वो पल फिर जी लें हम,
वादों को पूरा कर लें हम,
बीते दिन फिर ताज़ा करें,
वो सोया प्यार, ज़िन्दा करें ।।

फिर ओढ़ें हम हरी ओढ़नी,
तुम्हारे नाम की बने बावरी,
सिंदूरी बिंदी माथे सजे,
हाथों में लाल चुङियाँ बजे।।

मौसम हो शराबी,
मदमस्त माहौल गुलाबी,
एक दूजे में फिर खो जायें हम,
हर दर्द सब पुराने भुलाकर हम।।

सपनों का संसार सजा लें,
खुशियों के बाज़ार लगा लें,
रंगीन सपनों की रोशनी में,
खूबसूरत सी हम दुनिया बसा लें।।

आओ जी आयें कुछ बीते हुये वो दिन,
कुछ भूली बिसरी यादें,
कुछ पुराने से पलछिन,
और पूरे कर आयें,कुछ अधूरे से वादें ।।



April 28, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

ना मिट्टी से गढ़ी हूँ ,
ना तराशी हूँ पत्थर से,
इंसानियत का अंश हू
सींची गयी हूँ लहू से l

दो नयन है सपनों से लबालब ,
ढूढ़ रहे हैं उस मंज़िल को,
जहाँ मिल पाओगे तुम,
भरे हुये नीर डबाडब।

एक दिमाग जो जागता है हरपल,
हर आहट पर सतर्क रहता,
कहीं तुम्हारी आहट भी खो जाये ना उससे,
इस आस में जीवन डोर थामे बैठा ।

दो होंठ काँपते रहते हैं,
ले लेकर तुम्हारा ही नाम,
बुदबुदाते हुये यही कहते
आओ, अब तो मेरा हाथ लो थाम।

एक ह्रदय है धड़कता सा,
कुछ अहसास हैं,ज़िन्दा से,
आस का रक्त संचार है,
तुम्हे पुकारती धङकन है ।

रंगीन सी कुछ यादें हैं,
धुंधले से कुछ सपने हैं,
बंध होती नज़रें हैं,
मद्धिम पड़ती साँसे हैं ।

आ जाओ कि अब वक्त बहुत है कम,
आँखें मेरी पथराने लगी,हो होके नम,
मेरी दुनिया में अंधेरे से पहले तुम,
आखिरी बार रोशन कर दो ये मन।

आखिरी झलक दिखा जाओ,
तुम्हें समाकर इन नयनों में दो,
तुमको मुक्त मैं कर जाऊँ,
आओ इस इंसान की बस,इतनी सी तृष्णा मिटा जाओ।।


The Golden Dawn

April 28, 2016 in English Poetry

I soaked in the silky smooth light,
Everything around,beautiful and bright,
People moving around freely,
Everyone looked so blissfully
Happy and serene,
Everybody so lovable and genuine,
I didn’t understand where I was,
Other than the fact that unknown twas.
I moved along for sometime,
Lending my ears to musical chimes,
I felt a holy calm and at peace,
Though alone,still at ease.

Beautiful spring flowers bloomed,
Tall green,pruned trees with them rhymed,
Crystal clean springs gurgled and flowed,
Fresh life giving fragrant wind breezed.
As this place tried to enchant,
All of a sudden I met an Aunt,
From the earth long lost,
On seeing her my happiness was utmost,
She hugged me and welcomed me warmly,
Although I never remembered her so fondly.

She spoke so lovingly,her face had a beautiful calmness,
Around,full of extreme adorableness,
She took my arms and took me around,
As I soaked in the heavenly surrounds,
The fragrant air and the beauty abundant
A creation so resplendent,
There we came across a couple’s presence,
And behold they were my grandparents ,
My grandfather whom I had seen in pictures,
My grandmother whom I had seen as a toddler,
The ‘unknown’ but known faces brought tears
An unexplained amount of love and cheer.

Some time I spent with them,
Aunty pulled me at the hem,
From them I took my leave,
To see them happy,was so releaved.
My next stoppage brought me face to face
With my maternal grandmom,by God’s grace
She was here with her better half
And her elder son,my uncle,with that same old laugh.
They had me pampered
And mollycoddled,
I felt like a child in their presence
And was not at all bothered by the absence
Of my family members,
Nor did I miss them,nor remember.

But one thing did raise a question,
How did this Aunt know all my kin!
All who had departed,
And long separated!
The happiness of meeting them left me excited but numb, Was speechless, smiling,choking with emotions but dumb.
Suddenly I heard a cry,
That was a baby cry wry,
Oh God! That was my two month old crying,
Instantly I felt my heart dying,
To see him and hold him,
To cuddle him and embrace him.

But how? Where am I? Did I lose my way?
Someone please lead me away
To my son, he cries for me,
Oh! How could I let him be,
Crying and hungry,
Without his Maa,alone and dreary.
His cries worsened,
As I forgot all my relations,
I cried myself hoarse
And in due course,
Was brought to a piercing light,
It pierced through my inside
And then I heard a roaring voice,
“This is the wrong choice.”
“Send her back to where she belongs”
And was pushed in a tunnel long,
Full of light , in it I twirled
And furled,like a twig I churned.

My baby , my baby I screamed,
Lo! I then with a jerk landed,
Amidst voices and tinkering instruments
And in immense pain,
Surrounded by nurses,doctors and green panes.
I looked for the people I had just met,
Realised,that of their live selves,they were silhouettes,
They were all gone and dead,
Still so much life and love they shared.

Had I been to the ‘Land of The Dead’
And forced to return to my bed
Because of a wrong choice made!
Or because my son’s infant cries prayed?
Oh! why did I have to come back to a virtual world?
To false faces, false promises, false words!
But no ,I am here now for a purpose,
To raise my child, to nurse,
Then amongst all my world mates resurface,
To offer my love,labour and services,
Selflessly and lovingly,
Happily and willingly,
To fight all ills daringly,
Determinedly and affectingly,.
I know now,that there is another world beyond,
Where my loved ones so fond,
Are waiting for me with open arms,
To welcome me with all their love and warmth.
Till then I keep moving on,
Waiting for that golden dawn.


बर्फ होते रिश्ते

April 28, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

पगला सा ये मन मेरा,
हो जाने को बैठा सिर्फ तेरा,
तुझमें ही रम जाना चाहे,
डगर कठिन हो कितनी भी चाहे।
तुझ संग ये चाहे उङना,
दुनिया में बेझिझक फिरना,
खुशियों से झोली भरना चाहे,
बाँहों में तेरी डाले बाँहें ।।

आँखें तुझ बिन खाली सी,
सपनों की एक जाली सी
इनमें,मानों मोतियाबिंद उतर आया हो,
रोशनी में भी गहरा अंधियारा छाया हो।
रंगीन सपने सम्भाले हुए,
खुशफ़हमियाँ कुछ पाले हुए,
हठ पर ये उतर आईं हैं,
बंद होने को तैयार नही हैं।।

गरमाहट दो दिलों की मिलकर,
हर बर्फीले चट्टान को पिघलाकर,
इन आँखों में सतरंगी सपने सजायेंगे,
अपने अरमानों का जहां बसायेंगे।
ऐसे कुछ अरमान सजे थे,
कुछ ऐसे ख्वाहिश जागे थे,
धुंधली सी पर थी तस्वीर,
दग़ा दे गयी मेरी तकदीर ।।

अब किस जहां को तलाशती हैं आँखें !
किस तपिश की चाह करता है दिल ?
बेरहम सी दुनिया में ,
यूँ अहसासों की भूलभुलैय्या में।
अब तो इंतज़ार का दामन छोड़,
खुशफहमी के धागे तोड़ ,
कि दिन हुए कुछ पूरे से,
घिरे हुए स्याह अंधियारे से।।

अधूरी सी है ज़िन्दगी,
अब तो वक्त है रुख़सती की,
पथराती सी नज़रें,
थमतीं सी धङकनें,
चरमराता यकीं,
सर्द होता बदन,
हसरतों और अरमानों की सलवटें
और उनपर बर्फ होते से रिश्ते !!



April 27, 2016 in English Poetry

Let go!!
Don’t just flutter
To & fro,
Let them fly away into thin air,
To make your heart & spaces clear.
They don’t at all matter,
The memories are just a clutter.
Throw them out
Of the window,
Have not the slightest of doubt,
They are no more a part of the show,
They are now history,
No more a part
Of your story,
So tear them apart,
Slice ,shred,let them depart.
Strength and vision
Are your gains..
Wash down any strains
With tear showers like the rains.
Things to learn from
Them though are many ,
Remember they were mere storms
Passed ,gone ,no more part of your Destiny!!!
So just let it all go!!!!!

बर्फ होते रिश्ते

April 27, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

पगला सा ये मन मेरा,
हो जाने को बैठा सिर्फ तेरा,
तुझमें ही रम जाना चाहे,
डगर कठिन हो कितनी भी चाहे।
तुझ संग ये चाहे उङना,
दुनिया में बेझिझक फिरना,
खुशियों से झोली भरना चाहे,
बाँहों में तेरी डाले बाँहें ।।

आँखें तुझ बिन खाली सी,
सपनों की एक जाली सी
इनमें,मानों मोतियाबिंद उतर आया हो,
रोशनी में भी गहरा अंधियारा छाया हो।
रंगीन सपने सम्भाले हुए,
खुशफ़हमियाँ कुछ पाले हुए,
हठ पर ये उतर आईं हैं,
बंद होने को तैयार नही हैं।।

गरमाहट दो दिलों की मिलकर,
हर बर्फीले चट्टान को पिघलाकर,
इन आँखों में सतरंगी सपने सजायेंगे,
अपने अरमानों का जहां बसायेंगे।
ऐसे कुछ अरमान सजे थे,
कुछ ऐसे ख्वाहिश जागे थे,
धुंधली सी पर थी तस्वीर,
दग़ा दे गयी मेरी तकदीर ।।

अब किस जहां को तलाशती हैं आँखें !
किस तपिश की चाह करता है दिल ?
बेरहम सी दुनिया में ,
यूँ अहसासों की भूलभुलैय्या में।
अब तो इंतज़ार का दामन छोड़,
खुशफहमी के धागे तोड़ ,
कि दिन हुए कुछ पूरे से,
घिरे हुए स्याह अंधियारे से।।

अधूरी सी है ज़िन्दगी,
अब तो वक्त है रुख़सती की,
पथराती सी नज़रें,
थमतीं सी धङकनें,
चरमराता यकीं,
सर्द होता बदन,
हसरतों और अरमानों की सलवटें
और उनपर बर्फ होते से रिश्ते !!



April 27, 2016 in English Poetry

The rivers furious and roaring,
In their fury they are snatching
Everything, on both sides,cutting
Away their own banks,trees,eliminating
Lives and all that came in between their way,
Listening to noone,having their own say.

Wish their flow was not bridled,
Their movements not curtailed,
Their banks not habitated,
Their hearts not sacrileged,
Couldn’t we treat them with respect,
And helped ourselves from being wrecked.

The forests vanishing under our axe,
Facing our unruly attacks,
The green covers are long gone,
Day by day leaving us with less oxygen,
The birds and bees are leaving fast,
Beware or else nothing for you will last!

The trees that fed us with their fruits
Why did we shake them from their roots?
They gave us innumerable benefits,
Why did we not stop cutting and give them credits?
Why didn’t we love our trees?
And now we crave for their shade and cool breeze.

The plains ,the valleys all damaged,
The colours,the beauty all destroyed,
Houses and buildings stand everywhere,
Not an air of freshness anywhere,
The concrete jungles gape at us,
Pointing no escape from any catastrophe for us.

The hills and mountains dyanamited and blasted,
Rudely and badly lambasted,
Reduced to being mere dwarfs,
They cannot even look for newer turfs,
They safeguard us,they stood mighty and high,
Today because of us in dust they lie.

Our wrong doings in the name of development,
Have spoiled the entire environment,
The shrunken glaciers,
Will one day break all barriers
And engulf everything within,
Let us get down to some serious thinking.

The earth by us ,badly raped and mutilated,
Badly injured and serrated,
What if her pain and wrath she demonstrated
To us,in her own way either extirpated
Or in her tears we are completely inundated,
And in turn decimated and deprecated!

Badly burdened the Earth shakes,
Many a homes in the process she breaks,
Many lives are bruised and battered,
And many a lives are then shattered,
But it is not her who is to be blamed,
It’s us who are to be shamed.

Are we ready to bear the worse,
Prepared to bear her curse,
Can we lend an ear to her complaints,
Can we stop the constraints,
Practice some restraints,
Treat her with immense respect,
Make with her some human connect.

Nature has to be shown some love,
The Earth needs to be pampered like lady love,
To take care of all her elements,
We know she is not malevolent,
Still not show our arrogance,
If we need to partake of her benevolence.

We have to rein in our lust,
Lest all means we exhaust,
To build her trust in us,
Stop all our acts so ungenerous,
If we want to leave a beautiful Earth for the future generations,
Let’s work towards creating waterful,beautiful, colourful,airy,fertile nations,
Leave behind an excellent,aware civilization,
That exists with Mother Earth in synchronisation.



April 27, 2016 in English Poetry

The rivers furious and roaring,
In their fury they are snatching
Everything, on both sides,cutting
Away their own banks,trees,eliminating
Lives and all that came in between their way,
Listening to no one,having their own say.

Wish their flow was not bridled,
Their movements not curtailed,
Their banks not habitated,
Their hearts not sacrileged,
Couldn’t we treat them with respect,
And helped ourselves from being wrecked.

The forests vanishing under our axe,
Facing our unruly attacks,
The green covers are long gone,
Day by day leaving us with less oxygen,
The birds and bees are leaving fast,
Beware or else nothing for you will last!

The trees that fed us with their fruits
Why did we shake them from their roots?
They gave us innumerable benefits,
Why did we not stop cutting and give them credits?
Why didn’t we love our trees?
And now we crave for their shade and cool breeze.

The plains ,the valleys all damaged,
The colours,the beauty all destroyed,
Houses and buildings stand everywhere,
Not an air of freshness anywhere,
The concrete jungles gape at us,
Pointing no escape from any catastrophe for us.

The hills and mountains dyanamited and blasted,
Rudely and badly lambasted,
Reduced to being mere dwarfs,
They cannot even look for newer turfs,
They safeguard us,they stood mighty and high,
Today because of us in dust they lie.

Our wrong doings in the name of development,
Have spoiled the entire environment,
The shrunken glaciers,
Will one day break all barriers
And engulf everything within,
Let us get down to some serious thinking.

The earth by us ,badly raped and mutilated,
Badly injured and serrated,
What if her pain and wrath she demonstrated
To us,in her own way either extirpated
Or in her tears we are completely inundated,
And in turn decimated and deprecated!

Badly burdened the Earth shakes,
Many a homes in the process she breaks,
Many lives are bruised and battered,
And many a lives are then shattered,
But it is not her who is to be blamed,
It’s us who are to be shamed.

Are we ready to bear the worse,
Prepared to bear her curse,
Can we lend an ear to her complaints,
Can we stop the constraints,
Practice some restraints,
Treat her with immense respect,
Make with her some human connect.

Nature has to be shown some love,
The Earth needs to be pampered like lady love,
To take care of all her elements,
We know she is not malevolent,
Still not show our arrogance,
If we need to partake of her benevolence.

We have to rein in our lust,
Lest all means we exhaust,
To build her trust in us,
Stop all our acts so ungenerous,
If we want to leave a beautiful Earth for the future generations,
Let’s work towards creating waterful,beautiful, colourful,airy,fertile nations,
Leave behind an excellent,aware civilization,
That exists with Mother Earth in synchronisation.


पाषाण नही तुम हो इंसान

April 27, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

दूर दूर तक कानों में ना कोई धड़कन,
ना आवाज़ , ना ही थिरकन
रक्त के संचार की , बस कथन,
बंधन ,रुदन , आदेश , निर्देशन ,
चलते फिरते लोगों का जमघट,
फिर भी ये अँधेरे का झुरमुट ,
चीत्कार है हाहाकार है,
फिर भी मानो सब मूक-बधिर हैं,
चेतना है, तकलीफें हैं, दर्द हैं,
अहसास सारे फिर भी सर्द हैं ।

खून का वो ज़ोर कहाँ है?
इंसानियत की डोर कहाँ है ?
थामने वाले हाथ सिमट गये,
आंतरिकता के भाव भी मिट गये,
दिल बस अब मशीन माफ़िक धङकता है,
किसी पर भी अब ना ये मर मिटता है,
किसी का ना कोई मीत यहाँ अब,
ना कोई सगा,ना ही कोई रब,
हर कोई अपना ही भगवान है,
पत्थर की मूरत में भी अब इनसे ज़्यादा प्राण है।

क्या हुआ? कैसे हुआ?
जीव क्योंकर यूँ निर्जीव हुआ?
जीवन क्यों इतना बदला यूँ,
जी रही हों लाशें ज्यूँ ,
प्रेम प्यार का अब कोई ना मोल,
ना कहीं कोई बोले, दो मीठे बोल,
बन चुके सब क्यों यूँ पाषाण हैं!
भूल चुके सब दीन ईमान हैं,
मत बनने दो अपनी दुनिया को मशान,
जागो, क्योंकि तुम हो हाङ मांस के इंसान।



April 27, 2016 in English Poetry

I am glad that amidst us you are back,
We anxiously awaited your comeback,
Tears kept flowing out of our tear sacs,
As we waited for your senses to hit the track.

Oh why? But why
Did you want to say bye,
Bid adieu to your breath and die?
Put an end to life! Oh why did you even try!!

Did not you remember our faces then,
Why did not you mull over and over again
Of the consequences
Of your act , and our faces ashen!

You would have gone, free of all burden,
Freed of any encumberances,
What about your family and acquaintances,
Who would have been left behind mourning your absence!

How did you have the heart to leave your children behind,
A part of you , a part of your own flesh and blood terrified,
With nothing to look forward to, to hold on to and petrified
How? How could you even think of that deadly suicide?

I have already lost a brother who succumbed to helplessness,
Families lose their dear ones to such act of credulence,
Sisters,wives,husbands,sons,daughters lost to such madness,
Why did you want to lose it all, give in to decadence?

The truth is that all my trust in you is gone,
I am glad you are with us, but I am done
With all that is concerning you,ties of love undone,
Actually you have left me outdone.

Would you have dared such an act if you loved us?
Or was it an imaginary world to which you lead us,
All your false promises and words of trust,kill like a curse,
And all thus appear so superfluous.

What if I had attempted a suicide
And in the process died,
Left you all alone and traumatised,
Would you have forgiven me the deicide!

No, even I can never forgive nor forget
Someone who did not live up to my love and trust,
Whose actions to his kin was so unjust,
It now fills me up with remorse and disgust.

Life is too precious
To be lost in such actions,
That are mindless and reckless,
Leaving behind loved ones, anxious and helpless.

There is no problem that is more important than life,
However the troubles may be rife,
Everything can be fought,however bad may be the strife;
But to live there is no afterlife, just this one life.

Fight out the demons of fear,
Of anxiety and scare,
All your loved ones love you dear,
Never leave them helpless and in despair.

Death is not the answer
To steer clear ,
Of all your worries and feelings in secure,
Together we will fight away the shadows of drear.

Just give some time and bear,
Do not make it blear,
Hear ,help is always near,
Just call and we will be there,
To wipe out all your troubles and tears.

Fight it all with courage sheer,
Just smile and reappear in all grandeur,
Because there is just this life to admire,
Enjoy, adore,endear and cheer!

With life now start an affair,
Never will there be a tear
In your eyes,all your troubles will be taken care
Of and will always get your happiness’ share,
Without any sneer;
But a happy smile your face will always wear!!

Help prevent and check suicidal tendencies,
Save Human lives,help avoid self inflicted cruelities.


Live Life, Love Life.

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