
March 9, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

दो सिसकियाँ हीं कभी काफ़ी हैं दिल हल्का करने को,
दो साँसे हीं कभी काफ़ी हैं ज़िंदगी जी लेनो को

Miles away i hear you

February 21, 2016 in English Poetry

In the silence of the nights,
When the twilight i sight,
Whistles the plight of your absence by my side;
Of sighs of agony,of souls ununite,
A dawning of light in the southern sky,
When the world rests and i rise,
A berceuse so loud and clear that u must hear,
To take away your fear,
Because Miles away i hear you,
Galling and seizing,a pain so deep it bellows inside you,
Nothing heals but a seraphic call;
A call that sunders you from the hustles and bustles of life,
Yet again a berceuse so loud and clear that u must hear,
To take away your fear,
Because Miles away i hear you,
Subduing and reckoning the past,
Of deeds undone,of days undealt,of sacrifices and compromises;
Of hoplessness and recklessness;
Into a heaven of tenderness,of care ,and dreams undreamt;
Of compassion and benevolence,into jubiliant and playful times;
Here again a berceuse so loud and clear that u must hear,
To take away your fear,
Because Miles away i hear you.

Desire:The cause of sorrow

February 20, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

What if the Sun desires not to shine?
What if the birds desire not to chirp?
What if the flowers desire not to bloom?
What if the rivers desire not to flow?
What if the crops desire not to grow?
What if the Earth desires not to sustain life?
What if the Almighty desires not to bless?Desire


February 12, 2016 in English Poetry











Where does truth exist ,inside us or amidst the under wraps?
Is it a state of mind or is it an experience?
Is it in our hearts or within our own sanity?
Is it a consolation or is it a treasure,
Mysterious,deep and dark
Veiling our honesty!

Dwelling within us ,the Albatross tied to our own necks,
It is a stature bold and bantam,
Yet silentious and unheard!
Thickening the vessels of vengeance,anger and pain in our hearts,
Scoffing and scorning at our souls so pure!

Is it the forebearer of Fear?
Or is it the a state of despair and destitution of our own existence?
Is it a commitment to our conscience to yield an ephemeral joy,
Like in a fictionary tale?
A complete Utopian feel!

My Shattered Dreams ‘Poetry on Picture’ Contest

February 9, 2016 in English Poetry

I heard you saying “Promises are meant to be broken”,
I heard you saying “You were tired to Hold on”,
I heard you saying “I was not good enough”,
I heard you saying “You found your dream”,
I heard you saying “I shall have to go” ;

All i know that Love lasts forever,
Love makes you laugh,love makes you cry;
All i know you are not easy to forget,
All i know i would walk along the road with you,
Unaware that i shall have to walk back alone;
All i know it happens only once,
All i know you shall regret,

But all i wish is your dreams shall flourish,
All i wish is your life shall be abolsute bliss,
All i wish for you is just a beautiful MISS,
To let you feel what i miss,
To let you feel i cannot be HIS!
All i wish is another life,
For a moment if i could be your WIFE!

Salutations To The Martyrs

February 8, 2016 in English Poetry


Salutations to the Martyrs, Salutations to the Heroes of our Nation,
To the soldiers,To the custodiansof our Nation,
Salutations to the spirits unbowed,
To the souls undimmed;
Salutations to the commandos fighting in the silent,deathly cold and dark nights,

Salutations to their Mothers,
Gallantly watching the caskets unfold!
Salutations to their Wives,
Who just cared for the Nation’s Life!
Salutations to their Child,
Who lies unreconciled with a pain intensified,
Salutations to their kith and to their kin,
For letting them Win;

Silence will not be enough to comfort those that remain,
Let their sacrifices not go in vain!
Hear the Nation weep for her children in pain!
Let the souls of the Heroes reign,forever until their sacrifices pertain!

Who Am I?

January 22, 2016 in English Poetry

Am i a Daughter?
Mewling and cuddling in your arms with an oblivion mild;Who Am I

Am i a Sister?
Lending you my shoulders through ebb and flows of life and being your bosom buddy for life;

Am i a Friend?
Laughing and painting the town with colours so vibrant to brighten up your life;

Am i a Lover?
Compassionate and Euphoric to make you drown in an ocean of love;

Am i Wife?
Dedicating my life to complete a ‘togetherness’ along with you;

Am i  Mother?
Raising and nurturing the best in you , because my world is in ‘You’;

Am i an In-Law?
A benevolent disciplinarian to let you know the things unlearned;

Am i a Granny?
Concocting stories to inculcate the virtues of life,
Hiding in the lanes and crying on your pain;

Or am i a Leader?
For all my Being,For my Existence;
A Winner standing alone!

Am i a Women or am i a Creature,
Omnipresent to your Existence?

बदलता ज़माना

January 20, 2016 in हिन्दी-उर्दू कविता

सूना था वक़्त रुकता नहीं, बहता है, बदलता है, बस राह अपनी;
जाने कब खो गए वो दिन प्यारे
जाने कब छूट गए वो लोग सारे,
बच गई तो बस कुछ एहसास न्यारी,
रूठ गई क्या हमसे ये ज़िंदगी प्यारी?

बदल गई क्या वो सूरज की रोशनी निराली,
बदल गई क्या वो चिड़ियों की ची ची प्यारी,
या बदल गई पवन की शीतलता सारी,
बदल गई क्या बचपन की कोमलता क्या री?
बदल गई क्या मानवता की जीविका सारी,
बदल गई किताबो की पंक्तियाँ सारी,
रूठ गई क्या हमसे ये ज़िंदगी प्यारी?

Read more on http://kreatiwitty.com/index.php/badalta-zamana/#more-24

The Memoir

January 15, 2016 in English Poetry

When the southern lights struggled through the murky cloud,
My Eyes unfolded a golden ray of hope,dragging me away from the slumberland;
with a halo of viridity hovering above,i heard a voice from the past breaking the silence,
An ethereal appeal to come along,to sing along an epode of love,laughter,tenderness and togetherness,for all these times;

From the huffy times to the ecstatic moments of life,
From the far-flung times to the vicinity fo your love,
From the turmoil within to a quietude around,
An ethereal appeal to come along,to sing along an epode of love,laughter,tenderness and togetherness,for all these times;

From desolation to celebrating life,
From dreary shores to fulgent aroma of life,
You gave it all,you gave a Promised Land!
Moments to cherish,moments to seize,moments to capture,moments to reveal,
You gave it all,you gave what is Life!
You gave a world full of joy,my Boy
You gave it all,you gave what i dreamt of Life!
With an ethereal appeal to come along,to sing along an epode of love,laughter,tenderness and togetherness,for all these times;

New Report
