Lady Warrior

“I want to become a warrior Papa.” she said,
“I want to be like you, strong and brave.
I don’t want golds and jewels,
Teach me Papa how to duel,
Teach me combat, how to fight
One day I will become a fearless knight.
Let me learn how to ride, So in danger I don’t have to hide,
This long hair Papa, these pretty gowns
I want to fight enemies of the crown.
My dream is to become the Lady Warrior,
And make our flag soar higher,
Give me my sword, give me a shield
I want to bring peace in the battlefield.”

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  1. Title: A Daughter’s Warrior Dream


    In the poem, “A Daughter’s Warrior Dream,” the author beautifully captures the determination and aspirations of a young girl yearning to become a warrior like her father. The poem’s strength lies in its ability to convey a sense of courage and resolve while simultaneously highlighting the protagonist’s desire for a life of purpose and honor.

    The opening lines, “I want to become a warrior, Papa,” establish the heartfelt connection between the speaker and her father, instantly drawing the reader into their intimate conversation. The daughter’s admiration for her father’s strength and bravery is evident in her plea to be taught the ways of combat, and the sincerity in her voice is genuinely touching.

    The poem strikes a refreshing note by emphasizing the protagonist’s preference for valor over material possessions. The line, “I don’t want golds and jewels,” reveals her yearning for something more profound—a quest for knowledge and skill that transcends superficial desires. This sentiment reflects a desire for personal growth and self-discovery, showcasing the young girl’s determination to forge her own path.

    The imagery employed in the poem further enhances its emotional impact. The mention of long hair and pretty gowns serves as a stark contrast to the stereotypical expectations placed on young girls, suggesting a longing to break free from societal norms and embrace a different kind of femininity. The poet successfully captures the dichotomy between societal expectations and the protagonist’s desire to fight for justice and defend her land.

    The poem’s finale encapsulates the essence of the girl’s dream with striking clarity. The words “Lady Warrior” resonate powerfully, evoking the image of a strong, resilient woman ready to champion the cause of peace amidst the chaos of the battlefield. The desire to make the flag soar higher symbolizes her ambition to bring honor and glory to her family and nation, instilling a sense of patriotism and unity.

    Overall, “A Daughter’s Warrior Dream” is a delightful and inspiring poem that taps into the spirit of determination and independence. The poet’s choice of words, coupled with the protagonist’s unwavering resolve, create a memorable and thought-provoking piece. The poem reminds us that bravery knows no gender, and dreams can be pursued with courage and conviction.


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