“Whispers of the Stars”

In twilight’s gentle embrace, they dance,
Celestial bodies twinkle and prance,
Their whispers echo through the vast expanse,
A symphony of dreams and cosmic trance.

Amongst the velvet canvas of the night,
A tapestry woven with ethereal light,
They sprinkle stardust, ever so bright,
Guiding souls through darkness, shining so tight.

The moon, a pearl suspended in the sky,
Illuminates the secrets that lie,
Her glow reveals stories untold, up high,
A celestial storyteller, ever so sly.

Planets, like gems, adorn the cosmic sea,
Each with a tale, a unique melody,
Saturn’s rings twirl in celestial glee,
Jupiter’s storms roar with wild decree.

Nebulas, swirling in a celestial ballet,
Birthplaces of stars, in colors arrayed,
Cosmic dust, where new worlds are made,
Whispering wonders of the universe’s trade.

In the stillness of the night, I listen,
To the whispers of the stars that glisten,
Their ancient voices, soft and unbidden,
Revealing the mysteries that lie hidden.

Oh, what stories they have to share,
Of distant galaxies and worlds so rare,
Of cosmic wonders beyond compare,
The dreams of the universe, suspended in air.

So, let us gaze into the night’s domain,
Where the whispers of the stars remain,
In their ethereal chorus, we shall attain,
A glimpse of infinity, a celestial reign.

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