
छोटी सी जिंदगी है,
हर बात में खुश रहो।।
जो चहेरा पास न हो,
उसकी आवाज़ में खुश रहो।।
कोई रूठा हो तुमसे,
उसके उस अंदाज़ में भी खुश रहो।।
कल किसने देखा है,
कभी तो अपने आप में खुश रहो।।
कयो तड़पते हो हर पल किसी के साथ को,
कभी तो अपने आप में खुश रहो।।
छोटी सी जिंदगी है,
हर बात में खुश रहो।
हर हाल में खुश रहो।।

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  1. The poetry is exceptionally perfect that lands beautifully in its content and intention. The life itself is a trigonometric curve of sine and cosine, if there are ups there will be the downs too, however, It is not that with a descend the life has to suffer; it is just a fragment of a bigger plan that life has stored. People, The closest one mainly are the whom for we live and cheer and us, the humans, are like a flame and candle for the flame cannot itself stand lighted without the candle wax, and the wax has no importance as the beauty is added by the burning light. The little war between the two thus let each other to down but there beauty couldn’t be denied till they aren’t split from each other.
    The poet has a good eye for life, its meaning and beauty it has stored for everyone and has a urge to its readers to “Live a life a little for yourself everyday”.


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