The one

Some truths are destructive some are pretty lies,
My day gets better seen by your twinkling eyes,
You’re the sunset i wanna see ur my dreamy sunrise,
You’re the bane of my existence who inspires me to be wise,
I’d die for a thousand lifetimes if its you i have to sacrifice,
Everything is nothing to me if it comes at your price,
You may not believe me now but m sure u will one day
For its you whose hand i wanna hold in my happiness and during my painful cries….

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  1. this poem is soo heart warming written by one daughter to her dad which expresses pure form of emotions , sacrifices, pains everything beared by dad for her daughter’s happiness.

  2. It is wonderful to see such a beautiful bond reflected in the poem. In this era of fleeting connections, this poem reads like a breath of fresh air, appreciating the relationships that actually matter. Well written <3


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