Are You Sunday?

Then in no time both of ’em started drawing the probabilities of You being a Sunday.

The Me in me and The You in me,

Collectively agreed..

That you give an immense peace,

A tranquility bliss,

That you keep me on my toes to catch up

with the me in you ..

So We settled on..

You being our >>>>>>Sunday!

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  1. Review:

    “Are You Sunday” is a captivating poem that beautifully captures the serenity and bliss found in a significant relationship. The imagery of “Me” and “You” drawing probabilities creates an air of anticipation, while the idea of finding peace and tranquility in each other’s presence is conveyed with eloquence. The poem eloquently portrays a dynamic connection, inspiring personal growth and motivation. Settling on “You being our Sunday” symbolizes the calming influence of this person. With its evocative language and succinct style, this poem embraces the beauty of love and the transformative power of a deep bond.


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