Hailing Destiny and Pure magic

The finest Scars,
The Deepest Demons.
The vision of lost hopes.
Hold On! You miraculous soul.

Actions in place,
Moments of yours in pace,
And magic in your case.
All that you wish for, Finally comes to its fate.

Do not succumb
Don’t get numb
Hailing Destiny is no dumb

Watching you taking every action,
Rewarding you for every passing section
Farthest you mark through the trail and change the perception.

Indeed Destiny awaits your efforts.
Indeed all might finally change in few coming days.

Believe and make yourself believed.
Because Hailing Destiny and Pure magic is all set to get you free from all your baits and make you finally relieved.

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  1. Beautifully written, believing yourself and your destiny gives a lot of hope, i love how positive this poem was, definitely worth mentioning the good vocabulary used plus the writing style is also very engaging, this poem drives the reader to find out the meaning beneath it. ✨✨💯


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