Love for my Loved ones..

Grandparents shine like a sunflower
They don’t have any strength
But make us there power

When we are born in this mysterious world
They think we are their little fairies
And feel they’ll make us pure as gold
They are the most wonderful as grandparents.

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  1. This poem revolves around the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren. It is a beautiful poem that talks about the cherished role of grandparents in one’s life. The poet uses simple language to convey the message.

    The poem begins by comparing Grandparents to ‘Sunflowers’, this brings a visual representation to the mind of the reader, and at the same time conveys the warmth of their presence in the life of their grandchildren. The poet also mentions ‘they don’t have any strength’ in the first stanza, this talks about them being physically weak due to their old age. Their strength is in the love showered by their grandchildren.

    In the second stanza, the poet continues to talk about their relationship with their grandchildren, the poet conveys that the relationship is magical. They see their grandchildren as fairies, which conveys that they adore their grandchildren and they see them as a wonderful and magical creation. And they see their grandchildren as treasures, which is why they are compared to gold. The poem concludes with the line “they are most wonderful as grandparents” which clearly shows how much admiration and love the poet has towards them, and how much the poet appreciates them.

    Overall this is a good poem that talks about grandparents from the perspective of a grandchild. However, grammatical errors in the poem could be corrected (eg: ‘but make us their power’ instead of ‘but make us there power’. The poet can also explore the relationship in depth and add more visual imagery to the poem.


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