Epiphanies of 20s

Bring yourself wildflowers, drench your soul in rain
Run over to the mountain tops,scream out your name
Groove to your fav music, sing out your heart
For once let go of all your insecurities
And live a life you want
Get up buddy put on your fav dress
Go for that trip alone,
There is no shame in loneliness
Break all stereotypes
Let go of prejuidices
Dont let the beauty standards define you
Coz darling you are beautiful in all shades
Don’t let your afflictions weigh you down
Let yourself bloom
Do everything that keeps you sane
You will never be this young again

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  1. This poem epiphanies of 20s revolves around the concept of self love and self acceptance. The poet has very beautifully and simply described the practice of self care and to simply do things that makes you happy. I personally feel that a poem is more attractive when there is rhyming schemes and figure of speech but the poet has beautify the poem by its simplicity, the words that have been used are very simple yet thought provoking.The poem emphasizes the importance of recognizing one’s inherent worthiness. It reminds us that self-love is not a destination but an ongoing process, a conscious choice to embrace our flaws and imperfections as part of our unique beauty. The poet exquisitely weaves words that inspire readers to shed the burden of self-doubt and instead bask in the warmth of self-compassion.
    This poem can be very relatable because self-love is a concept that has gained significant attention and recognition in recent years. It refers to the practice of valuing and caring for oneself, both physically and emotionally, and treating oneself with kindness, acceptance, and compassion. It involves developing a positive and nurturing relationship with oneself, which is crucial for overall well-being and personal growth. The poet also states that self-love is not about selfishness or narcissism, as some might misconstrue it. It’s about recognizing that one’s own well-being is essential and that by taking care of oneself, individuals are better equipped to contribute positively to their relationships and communities. It fosters a sense of empowerment and personal growth, allowing individuals to make choices that align with their values and goals.
    Thus, this poem of resonates deeply, leaving its trace, a reminder to all who read its verse, to love themselves unconditionally


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